Supplemental Material

Many Catalogue entries include additional material such as studies after other artists, site and historical photographs and vintage postcards.These items are presented here and can be navigated by the following types:

Works by other artists: Cezanne was inspired by artists who preceded him and copied works by other painters such as Eugène Delacroix and Peter Paul Rubens, as well as by sculptors such as Pierre Puget and Jean-Baptiste Pigalle; he painted alongside his colleagues such as Camille Pissarro and Auguste Renoir; and he also copied from photographs or illustrations from contemporary journals. Images of these related works are being added to the catalogue on a regular basis.

Site Photography: Lionello Venturi began to photograph the area around Aix in the early 1930s and published a group of them in his 1936 catalogue raisonné. At about the same time John Rewald and Leo Marchutz began a serious study of Cezanne’s site motifs. As the three men roamed the countryside of Aix, their photographs became vital documents that linked the artist to the present. Rewald continued photographing Cezanne sites in the North and around Aix for nearly six decades. These photographs are now housed in the Photograph Archive at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. Venturi's 200 or so photographs are held in the Archivio Venturi in Rome.

Contemporary views of Cezanne’s sites have also been photographed in color, notably by Pavel Machotka and by colleagues; many have been published in books and on the website of the Société Paul Cezanne.

Historical Photography: Images of the artist, his family, friends and colleagues are included in this category, as well as interiors that display Cezanne's work.

Postcards: The study of Cezanne’s motifs continues today. Vintage postcards are being collected and published along with the work that the site inspired (many of the postcards are included here as supplementary images, courtesy of Alain Mothe and Raymond Hurtu).


results 301 to 360 of 743
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work by other artists
Roger Fry, Copy after a Self-Portrait by Cézanne, 1926, oil on board, 35.8 x 28.6 cm. The Courtauld Gallery, London (Samuel Courtauld Trust; Roger Fry Bequest, 1935)
work by other artists
P.-A. Renoir, Portrait de Cézanne, 1880. Pastel on paper. 53.7 x 43.5 cm
work by other artists
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, Deux enfants jouant avec un lapin, Oil on wood. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
Les Deux Enfants, c.1860 (573)
Les Deux Enfants, c.1860 (573)
work by other artists
Engraving after Lancret by Larmessin
work by other artists
Gustave Courbet, Les Baigneuses, 1853. Musée Fabre, Montpellier
Le Baigneur au rocher, 1867–69 (possibly earlier) (900)
Le Baigneur au rocher, 1867–69 (possibly earlier) (900)
work by other artists
Morgan Russell, Portrait of Cézanne, 1910. Private collection.
Portrait de l'artiste, c.1882 (463)
Portrait de l'artiste, c.1882 (463)
work by other artists
Camille Pissarro, Le Pont du chemin de fer Pontoise, 1873. Private collection, UK.
work by other artists
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Victor Chocquet, c. 1875. Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, 1943.274
Imaging Department; © President and Fellows of Harvard College
work by other artists
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Victor Chocquet, c. 1875. Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, 1943.274
Imaging Department; © President and Fellows of Harvard College
work by other artists
Sebastiano del Piombo, Christ’s Descent into Limbo, 1516, oil on canvas, Museum del Prado, Madrid.
Le Christ aux limbes, c.1869 (598)
Le Christ aux limbes, c.1869 (598)
work by other artists
Domenico Fetti, Melancholy, c. 1620. Musée du Louvre, Paris
work by other artists
Rembrandt van Rijk, Bethsabée au bain, 1654. Musée du Louvre, Paris
work by other artists
Adéle-Anaïs Toudouze, La Mode Illustrée, July 31, 1870
La Conversation, 1870–71 (607)
La Conversation, 1870–71 (607)
work by other artists
Auguste Clot, Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, after Cézanne. Lithograph
Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, 1878–80 (655-TA)
Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, 1878–80 (655-TA)
work by other artists
Camille Pissarro, Still Life with Wine Carafe, 1867. Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio
work by other artists
Verso of the paravent (no. 560). Cézanne painted into the background of this still life a lower portion of the fourth panel from the left
Le Plat de pommes, c.1877 (possibly later) (742)
Le Plat de pommes, c.1877 (possibly later) (742)
work by other artists
Pierre Bonnard, Portrait of Vollard, c. 1904-05. Kunsthaus Zürich
Quatre baigneuses, 1877–78 (938)
Quatre baigneuses, 1877–78 (938)
work by other artists
Paul van Ryssel, Pivoines. 38 x 46.5 cm. Musée d'Orsay, Paris
musée d'Orsay/rmn
Fleurs et fruits, 1872–73 (714)
Fleurs et fruits, 1872–73 (714)
work by other artists
Camille Pissarro, Self-portrait, 1873. Musée d'Orsay, Paris
work by other artists
Camille Pissarro, Portrait de Paul Cézanne, 1874. National Gallery, London (On loan from Laurence Graff OBE)
work by other artists
Lucien Freud, After Cézanne, 1999-2000. Oil on canvas. National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
work by other artists
Camille Pissarro, Portrait de Paul Cézanne, 1874. National Gallery, London (On loan from Laurence Graff OBE)
work by other artists
Roman, c. 20 BC, Statue funéraire et honorifique de Marcellus formerly known as Germanicus, marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Hervé Lewandowski; 1996 RMN
work by other artists
2nd century AD, Bacchus, marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
D'après l'antique: Bacchus, 1882–85 (3002-01a)
D'après l'antique: Bacchus, 1882–85 (3002-01a)
work by other artists
Augustin Pajou, Jeanne Bécu, comtesse Du Barry (1743-1793, marble. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
D'après Pajou: Madame du Barry, 1892–95 (3002-01b)
D'après Pajou: Madame du Barry, 1892–95 (3002-01b)
work by other artists
Thomas Couture, Romains de la décadence (The Romans of the Decadence), oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay, Paris.
work by other artists
Etude pour Léda, c.1882 (3002-06a)
Etude pour Léda, c.1882 (3002-06a)
work by other artists
Peter Paul Rubens, La Naissance du dauphin (futur Louis XIII) à Fontainebleau, le 27 septembre 1601 (Birth of Louis XIII), from the Medici cycle, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Charles-Antoine Coysevox, Berger flûteur (Faun Playing a Flute), marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Philippe Fuzeau; Musée du Louvre
work by other artists
Pierre Puget, Milon de Crotone, marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Philippe Fuzeau; Musée du Louvre
work by other artists
Greek, c. 100 BC, Aphrodite, dite Vénus de Milo (The Venus of Milo), marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
D'après l'antique: Vénus de Milo, 1883–86 (3002-27b)
work by other artists
Hellenistic Art (3rd-1st centuries BC), Marsyas supplicié (The Torment of Marsyas), marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Musée du Louvre
D'après l'antique: Marsyas, 1882–85 (3002-34b)
D'après l'antique: Marsyas, 1882–85 (3002-34b)
work by other artists
Guillaume Coustou, Le père Pierre-François d'Arères de la Tour, terra-cotta, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Guillaume Coustou, Le père Pierre-François d'Arères de la Tour, terra-cotta, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Peter Paul Rubens, La Prise de Juliers (The Victory at Jülich), from the Maria de Medici cycle, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
A. Dequier - M. Bard; Musée du Louvre
Tête de cheval, n.d. (3010-15b)
Tête de cheval, n.d. (3010-15b)
work by other artists
D’après Lysippe, 2nd century AD, Rome, after a Greek bronze, c. 300 BC, Le dieu Hermès (Mercure) rattachant sa sandale, dit "Cincinnatus" (Hermes Fastening his Sandal), marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Michelangelo, Captif ("l'Esclave mourant") (Dying Slave), marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Peter Paul Rubens, La Prise de Juliers (The Victory at Jülich), from the Maria de Medici cycle, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
A. Dequier - M. Bard; Musée du Louvre
D'après Rubens: cheval, c.1900 (3010-27a)
D'après Rubens: cheval, c.1900 (3010-27a)
work by other artists
Roman 1st - 2nd century AD, Aphrodite du type du Capitole, marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Michelangelo, La Résurrection du Christ (The Resurrection of Christ), red chalk, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
François Boucher, Les forges de Vulcain (Vulcan's Forge), oil on canvas, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Roman 1st - 2nd century AD, Aphrodite du type du Capitole, marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Peter Paul Rubens, L'apothéose de Henri IV et la proclamation de la régence de Marie de Médicis, le 14 mai 1610 (The Death of Henry IV and the Proclamation of the Regency) from the Medici cycle, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Erich Lessing; Musée du Louvre
D'après Rubens: Bellone, 1888–91 (3010-39b)
D'après Rubens: Bellone, 1888–91 (3010-39b)
work by other artists
Antoine-Louis Barye, Lion and Serpent, bronze, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Thierry Ollivier; Musée du Louvre
work by other artists
Peter Paul Rubens, Le Traité d'Angoulême (The Negotiations at Angoulême), from the Medici cycle, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
D'après Rubens: Mercure, 1884–87 (3010-41b)
D'après Rubens: Mercure, 1884–87 (3010-41b)
work by other artists
Michelangelo, Captif ("l'Esclave mourant") (Dying Slave), marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Guillaume Coustou, Le père Pierre-François d'Arères de la Tour, terra-cotta, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, Mercure attachant ses talonnières, marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Pierre Philibert; Musée du Louvre
D'après Pigalle: Mercure, 1873–76 (2123-TA)
D'après Pigalle: Mercure, 1873–76 (2123-TA)
work by other artists
Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, Mercure attachant ses talonnières, marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Pierre Philibert; Musée du Louvre
D'après Pigalle: Mercure, 1887–90 (2165)
D'après Pigalle: Mercure, 1887–90 (2165)
work by other artists
Adèle-Anaïs Toudouze, La Mode illustré (July 3, 1870): color plate no. 27
work by other artists
Armand Guillaumin, Portrait of Dr. Martinez, 1878
Portrait de Madame Cezanne, c.1872 (431-TA)
work by other artists
Roman Imperial Period (1st -2nd Century AD ?), Arès dit "Arès Borghèse" (The Borghese Mars), marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Musée du Louvre
D'après l'antique: Arès Borghèse, 1892–95 (3019-03b-TA)
D'après l'antique: Arès Borghèse, 1892–95 (3019-03b-TA)
work by other artists
Pierre Puget, Milon de Crotone, marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Philippe Fuzeau; Musée du Louvre
D'après Puget: Milon de Crotone, 1895–98 (3015-02b)
D'après Puget: Milon de Crotone, 1895–98 (3015-02b)
work by other artists
Peter Paul Rubens, L'apothéose de Henri IV et la proclamation de la régence de Marie de Médicis, le 14 mai 1610 (The Death of Henry IV and the Proclamation of the Regency) from the Medici cycle, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Erich Lessing; Musée du Louvre
D'après Rubens: Bellone, 1879–82 (3015-25b)
D'après Rubens: Bellone, 1879–82 (3015-25b)
work by other artists
Etude pour Léda et le cygne et étude de tête, Léda, 1877–82; head, 1880–82 (3008-36b)
Etude pour Léda et le cygne et étude de tête, Léda, 1877–82; head, 1880–82 (3008-36b)
work by other artists
Roman copy, 1st or 2nd century AD, after a Greek original in bronze, c. 300 BC, Silène portant Dionysos enfant (Bacchus), fils de Zeus, marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
work by other artists
Peter Paul Rubens, L'apothéose de Henri IV et la proclamation de la régence de Marie de Médicis, le 14 mai 1610 (The Death of Henry IV and the Proclamation of the Regency) from the Medici cycle, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Erich Lessing; Musée du Louvre
D'après Rubens: Bellone, 1883–86 (3002-13b-TA)
D'après Rubens: Bellone, 1883–86 (3002-13b-TA)
work by other artists
Charles-Antoine Coysevox, Berger flûteur (Faun Playing a Flute), marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Philippe Fuzeau; Musée du Louvre
work by other artists
Charles-Antoine Coysevox, Berger flûteur (Faun Playing a Flute), marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Philippe Fuzeau; Musée du Louvre
work by other artists
Benedetto da Maiano, Filippo Strozzi, marble, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
D'après B. da Maiano: Filippo Strozzi, 1882 or later (3002-23b)
D'après B. da Maiano: Filippo Strozzi, 1882 or later (3002-23b)
results 301 to 360 of 743
Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "Supplemental Material." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on July 27, 2024).