The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne
An Online Catalogue Raisonné under the Direction of Société Paul Cezanne
(Formerly directed by Walter Feilchenfeldt, Jayne Warman and David Nash)
FWN 705
Pain et gigot d'agneau
Alternate titles: Brot und Hammelkeule; Hammelkeule mit Brot; Hammelkeule und Brot; Le Pain et le gigot
Rewald (80): c.1865; Venturi revised: 1866–67; Venturi (65): 1865–67; Gowing: (London) c.1866
Oil on canvas
10 5/8 x 14 in. (27 x 35.5 cm)
Exhibition History
Musée de Lyon, Palais Saint-Pierre, Lyon, France, Centenaire de Paul Cézanne, May 7–June 18, 1939, no. 5, lent by Kunsthaus, Zürich.
Société des artistes indépendants, Grand Palais, Paris, 50e exposition - Centenaire du peintre indépendant Paul Cézanne, March 17–April 10, 1939, no. 2, as Le Pain et le gigot, lent by Kunstmuseum Zürich.
Wildenstein Galleries, London, Homage to Paul Cézanne, July 1939, no. 4, lent by Kunsthaus Zürich.
Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich, Ausländische Kunst in Zürich, July 25–September 26, 1943, no. 543, as Brot und Hammelkeule.
Kunsthaus, Zurich, Europäische Kunst, 13. bis 20. Jahrhundert, June 6–August 13, 1950, listed p. 26, p. 26, as Hammelkeule und Brot, 1865/67, lent by Kunsthaus Zürich.
Orangerie, Paris, Monticelli et le baroque provençal, June 19–September 15, 1953, no. 5, pl. XXVI, as Pain et gigot d'agneau, c. 1865-1867, lent by Kunsthaus Zürich.
Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, the Netherlands, Paul Cézanne, June 1–August 1, 1956, no. 2.
Haus der Kunst, Munich, Paul Cézanne, October 12–November 18, 1956, no. 1, ill. lent by Kunsthaus Zürich.
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, (Kunsthaus Lempertz), Cologne, Cézanne, Ausstellung zum Gedenken an sein 50. Todesjahr, December 1956–January 1957, no. 1, ill. lent by Kunsthaus Zürich.
Österreichische Galerie, Belvedere, Vienna, Paul Cézanne, April 14–June 18, 1961, no. 3, pl.1
Pavillon de Vendôme, Aix-en-Provence, France, Exposition Cézanne: Tableaux, Aquarelles, Dessins, July 1–August 15, 1961, no. 3, pl. 1.
Royal Academy of Arts, London, Cézanne: The Early Years 1859–1872, April 22–August 21, 1988, no. 13, ill. Traveled to: Musée d'Orsay, Cézanne: les années de jeunesse 1859-1872, Paris, September 19, 1988–January 1, 1989; National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., January 29–April 30, 1989.
Kunsthaus, Zurich, Von Claude Lorrain bis Giovanni Segantini, Gemäldeoberfläche und Bildwirkung, October 24, 1996–February 13, 1997, no. 21, pl. 12, as Hammelkeule mit Brot, dated 1865–67.
Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte der Stadt Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany, Cézanne, Manet, Schuch: drei Wege zur autonomen Kunst, May 30–July 30, 2000, no. 2, ill., as Hammelkeule und Brot.
Gallerie d'Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy, La natura della morta: Da Manet ai nostri giorni [English translation: The Nature of Still Life: From Manet to the Present Day], December 1, 2001–April 1, 2002, no. 4, ill.
Kunsthaus, Zurich, Hommage à Cézanne, November 30, 2006–February 11, 2007, no no., as Pain et gigot d'agneau, c. 1866, Kunsthaus Zürich.
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Cezanne, May 15–September 5, 2022, no. 4, ill. c. 1866, shown in Chicago only. Traveled to: Tate Modern, London, October 6, 2022–March 12, 2023.
Published References
Venturi, Lionello. Cézanne: Son Art, Son Oeuvre. Paris: Editions Paul Rosenberg, 1936, no. 65, ill. vol. II, as Pain et gigot d'agneau.
Elles, Iris. Das Stilleben in der französischen Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts. Zurich: Origo Verl, 1958, pp. 99–100.
"Das Tor zur Moderne. Paul Cézanne in Schweizer Sammlungen." Du 49, no. 9 (September 1989), p. 87, ill.
Kitschen, Friederike. Cézanne: Stilleben. Ostfildern-Ruit: Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1995, fig. 2.
Rewald, John. The Paintings of Paul Cézanne, A Catalogue Raisonné, 2 vols. In Collaboration with Walter Feilchenfeldt and Jayne Warman. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996, no. 80, ill. vol. 2, as Pain et gigot d'agneau.
Machotka, Pavel. Cézanne: The Eye and the Mind, 2 vols. Marseille: Editions Crès, 2008, vol. 1, fig. 64; vol. 2, p. 61, as Pain et gigot d'agneau.
Machotka, Pavel. "Des paysages du nord aux premiers pas du cubisme." In Cézanne et Paris. Paris: Éditions de la Rmn-Grand Palais, 2011. Exhibition catalogue, p. 186, fig. 100, as Pain et gigot d'agneau.
Record last updated October 28, 2023. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "Pain et gigot d'agneau, c.1865 (FWN 705)." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on February 8, 2025).