The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne
An Online Catalogue Raisonné under the Direction of Société Paul Cezanne
(Formerly directed by Walter Feilchenfeldt, Jayne Warman and David Nash)
FWN 609
Alternate titles: Bacchanale (Scène de plein air); Don Quichotte sur les rives de Barbarie; Fête au Bord de la mer; Idyll or Pastorale scene; Idylle; L'Idylle; L'Idylle (Pastorale); L'Idylle or Pastorale or Paysage avec femmes nues; Pastoral; Pastoral (Idyll); Pastorale (Idylle); Pastorale ou Idylle; Pastorale scen; Scène de plein air; Scène en plein air
Rewald (166): 1870; Venturi revised: 1870; Venturi (104): 1870; Rivière: 1875; Vollard: 1870
Oil on canvas
25 5/8 x 31 7/8 in. (65 x 81 cm)
Dated 1870 at right
Vollard A stockbook: no. 3307, Manière noire du peintre époque 1870. Personnages nus et habillés d'en diverses positions au bord de l'eau, 65 x 81 cm (200 frs)
Vollard B stockbook: no. 3783, Le repas sur l'herbe. Personnages nus et habillés, 65 x 81 cm (300 frs)
Vollard archives: photo no. 21, Annotated by Cezanne's son: 1870
Exhibition History
Galerie Vollard, Paris, Paul Cézanne, November 15–December 1899, no. 23, as Fête au Bord de la mer, tentative identification.
Galerie Vollard, Paris, January 20–February 20, 1901, no. 23, as Amours pastorales; tentative identification.
Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris, Cézanne, May 20–October 11, 1936, no. 12, pl. X, as Idylle, lent by Pellerin.
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Emile Zola: exposition organisée pour le cinquantième anniversaire de sa mort, December 12, 1952–March 1, 1953, no. 344, ill., as Pastoral, 1870, lent by Private collection.
Orangerie, Paris, Monticelli et le baroque provençal, June 19–September 15, 1953, no. 11, as L'Idylle, 1870, lent by Private collection, Paris.
Pavillon de Vendôme, Aix-en-Provence, France, Exposition pour commémorer le cinquantenaire de la mort de Cézanne, July 21–August 15, 1956, no. 3, ill. lent by Pellerin.
Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris, Le Second Empire de Winterhalter à Renoir, May–June 1957, no. 43, as Don Quichotte sur les rives de Barbarie, Collection J.-V. Pellerin.
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Fem Sekler Fransk Konst: miniatyrer, malningar, teckningar,1400-1900, August 15–November 9, 1958, no. 149, as Pastorale scen, lent by M. and Mrs. Jean Victor Pellerin, Paris.
Grand Palais, Paris, Anciens et Nouveaux: Choix d'oeuvres acquises par l'état ou avec sa participation de 1981 à 1985, November 5, 1985–February 3, 1986, no. 128, ill., as Pastorale ou Idylle.
Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York, From Courbet to Cézanne: A New 19th Century Preview of the Musée d'Orsay, March 13–May 5, 1986, no. 2, ill., pp. 44-45, as Idyll or Pastorale scene. Traveled to: Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, June 1–August 3, 1986.
Royal Academy of Arts, London, Cézanne: The Early Years 1859–1872, April 22–August 21, 1988, no. 52, ill. Traveled to: Musée d'Orsay, Cézanne: les années de jeunesse 1859-1872, Paris, September 19, 1988–January 1, 1989; National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., January 29–April 30, 1989.
Kunstmuseum, Basel, Switzerland, Paul Cézanne: Die Badenden, September 10–December 10, 1989, no. 5, ill., discussed pp. 75–81, pl. 40.
Grand Palais, Paris, Impressionnisme: Les origines, 1859–1869, April 19–August 8, 1994, no. 34, fig. 161. Traveled to: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Origins of Impressionism, September 19, 1994–January 8, 1995.
Grand Palais, Paris, Cézanne, September 26, 1995–January 14, 1996, no. 23, ill. Traveled to: Tate Gallery, London, February 8–April 28, 1996; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, May 26–September 1, 1996.
Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, France, Au fil de l'eau: Cézanne, June 17–September 15, 2000, no. 7, ill. lent by Musée d'Orsay.
The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea, L'impressionnisme et l'art moderne (chefs-d’œuvre des collections du Musée d'Orsay), October 26, 2000–February 27, 2001, pp. 72-73, ill., as Pastorale (Idylle), c. 1870.
Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, the Netherlands, De tijd van Degas, March 23–July 15, 2002, n. no., pp. 82-83, ill., as Pastorale, c. 1870.
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, Zola, October 18, 2002–January 19, 2003, no. 148, ill., as Pastorale, c. 1870.
National Museum of Art, Beijing, Trésors impressionnistes des collections nationales françaises, October 10–November 24, 2004, no. 44, ill. Traveled to: Museum of Art, Shanghai, November 8, 2004–January 25, 2005; Museum of Art, Hong Kong, February 5–April 10, 2005.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Cézanne to Picasso: Ambroise Vollard, Patron of the Avant-Garde, September 14, 2006–January 7, 2007, no. 27, fig. 32, pp. 32, 336, as Pastorale. Traveled to: The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, February 17–May 13, 2007; Musée d'Orsay, Paris, June 19–September 16, 2007.
Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Rovereto, Italy, La rivoluzione dello sguardo: impressionismo e postimpressionismo dal Musée d'Orsay, March 19–July 24, 2011, no. 72, ill., as Pastorale.
The National Art Center, Japan, Naissance de l'impressionnisme: La liberté de peindre. Collections du musée d'Orsay, July 9–October 20, 2014, no. 31, ill., as Pastorale.
Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe, Germany, Cézanne - Metamorphosen, October 28, 2017–February 11, 2018, no. 6, ill.
Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris, Cezanne et les Maîtres, rêve d'Italie, February 27–July 5, 2020, no. 33, ill. lent by Musée d'Orsay, Paris.
Published References
Béral, Jean. "Impressionnistes: Cézanne." Art et Littérature, no. 1 (February 5, 1901), p. 7, as Amours pastorales; tentative identification.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. "Paul Cézanne." In Impressionisten: Guys, Manet, van Gogh, Pissarro, Cézanne. Munich and Leipzig: R. Piper & Co., 1907, ill. p. 177, as Idylle, 1870-71.
Scheffler, Karl. "Die Maler 1870 und 1914." Kunst und Künstler 13, no. 5 (1915), ill. p. 206.
Fry, Roger. "'Paul Cézanne' by Ambroise Vollard: Paris, 1915, A Review." The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 31, no. 173 (August 1917), pl. I.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Cézanne und sein Kreis: ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte: mit 127 Tonätzungen und fünfzehn Heliogravüren. Munich: R. Piper, 1918, ill. p. 93.
Denis, Maurice. "L'influence de Cézanne." L'Amour de l'art 1, no. 8 (December 1920), ill. p. 282, as Scène en plein air.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Cézanne und sein Kreis: ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte: mit 171 Tonätzungen und einem Lichtdruck. Munich: R. Piper, 1922, ill. p. 105, as Idylle, 1870-71.
Rivière, Georges. Le Maître Paul Cézanne. Paris: Librairie Floury, 1923, p. 202, listed.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. "Cézanne." In Entwicklungsgeschichte der modernen Kunst vol. 3. Munich: R. Piper & Co., [1924] (copyright 1915), pl. 490, ill., as Idylle, 1870/71.
Fry, Roger. "Le développement de Cézanne." L'Amour de l'art 7, no. 12 (December 1926), ill. p. 398, as Bacchanale (Scène de plein air).
Fry, Roger. Cézanne: A Study of His Development. New York: Macmillan, 1927, p. 24, fig. 10, pl. VII.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Cézanne. translated by J. Holroyd-Reece. London: Ernest Benn, 1927, pl. VIII.
Zervos, Christian. "Les Problèmes de la jeune peinture: Le retour au sujet est-il probable?" Cahiers d'Art, nos. 3 and 4 (1931), p. 206, ill.
Di San Lazzaro, Gualtieri. Paul Cézanne. Paris: Chroniques du Jour, 1936, fig. 45.
Sterling, Charles. "Cézanne et les maîtres d'autrefois." La Renaissance (Paris), vol. 19, nos. 5-6 (May–June 1936), p. 8, as L'Idylle.
Vollard, Ambroise. Recollections of a Picture Dealer. Translated by Violet M. MacDonald. New York: Dover Publications, 1936, ill. opp. p. 119.
Huyghe, René. "Cézanne et son oeuvre." L'Amour de l'art 17, no. 5 (May 1936), fig. 48 p. 170, as L'Idylle.
Venturi, Lionello. Cézanne: Son Art, Son Oeuvre. Paris: Editions Paul Rosenberg, 1936, no. 104, ill. vol. II, as Pastorale.
Rewald, John. "A propos du catalogue raisonné de l'œuvre de Paul Cézanne et de la chronologie de cette œuvre." La Renaissance (Paris), vol. 20, nos. 3-4 (March–April 1937), p. 54, as Pastorale.
Barnes, Albert C., and Violette de Mazia. The Art of Cézanne. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1939, no. 26, p. 165, ill.
Jedlicka, Gotthard. Cézanne. Berne: Alfred Scherz Verlag, 1948, fig. 8, as Pastorale, as Szene im Freien.
Guerry, Liliane. Cézanne et l'expression de l'espace. Paris: Flammarion, 1950, pp. 19–21, fig. 1, pl. 2.
Venturi, Lionello. Impressionists and Symbolists: Manet, Degas, Monet, Pissarro, Sisley, Renoir, Cézanne, Seurat, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec. New York: Scribner, 1950, fig. 118.
Fry, Roger. Cézanne: A Study of his Developement. London: Hogarth Press, 1952, p. 24, pl. VII fig. 10, as Pastoral.
Chappuis, Adrien. Les dessins de Paul Cézanne au cabinet des estampes du Musée des beaux-arts de Bâle. Olten and Lausanne: Urs Graf, 1962, vol. 1, p. 57, fig. 25.
Badt, Kurt. The Art of Cézanne. Translated by Sheila Ann Ogilvie. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1965, p. 103.
Schapiro, Meyer. "The Apples of Cézanne: An Essay on the Meaning of Still-Life." Art News Annual 34 (1968), p. 38, pl. 5.
Schapiro, Meyer. Paul Cézanne. Translated by Louis-Marie Ollivier. Paris: Nouvelles Editions Françaises, 1973, p. 27, ill.
Geist, Sidney. "The Secret Life of Paul Cézanne." Art International 19, no. 9 (November 20, 1975), p. 8, ill.
Geist, Sidney. "What Makes 'The Black Clock' Run." Art International 22, no. 2 (February 1978), p. 12, ill.
Krumrine, Mary Louise. "Cézanne's Bathers: Form and Content." Arts Magazine 54, no. 9 (May 1980), pp. 115, 116, 120.
Ponente, Nello, ed. Cézanne e le avanguardie. Rome: Officina Edizioni, 1981, Messing: pl. 7.
Ballas, Guila. "Unknown Sources for Cézanne's Women Bathers." In Norms and Variations in Art: Essays in Honor of Moshe Barasch. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1983, p. 185, fig. 4.
Catalogue sommaire illustré des nouvelles acquisitions du Musée d’Orsay: 1980-1983. Lacambre, Geneviève et Thiébaut Philippe, publication directors, coordination. Paris: Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 1983, p. 16, no. 26, ill., as Pastorale ou Idylle.
Barskaya, Anna and Evgenia Georgievskaia. Paul Cézanne: Bilder aus Museen der Sowjetunion. Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1983, ill. p. 21.
Gache-Patin, Sylvie. "Musée d'Orsay, Galerie du Jeu de Paume: douze œuvres de Cézanne de l'ancienne collection Pellerin." La Revue du Louvre et des musées de France 34, no. 2 (1984), pp. 130-133, fig. 4.
Compin, Isabelle et Anne Roquebert. Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du musée du Louvre et du musée d'Orsay. 3, École Française, A-K. Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux, 1986, p. 116, ill., as Pastorale ou Idylle.
Laclotte, Michel, Genviève Lacambre, Anne Distel, et al. La Peinture au Musée d'Orsay. Paris: Editions Scala, 1986, p. 90, ill.
Lévêque, Jean Jacques. La Vie et l'oeuvre de Paul Cézanne. Courbevoie: ACR, 1988, p. 49, ill. in b/w.
Plazy, Gilles. Cézanne ou la peinture absolue. Paris: Editions Liana Levi, 1988, p. 18, ill. in color.
Lewis, Mary Tompkins. Cézanne's Early Imagery. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989, pp. 185–92, pl. XIV.
Bozal, Valeriano. "Paul Cézanne: la mirada es le leguaje." La Balsa de la Medusa (Madrid) 36 (1995), p. 88, ill. p. 89, as Pastoral.
Machotka, Pavel. Cézanne: Landscape into Art. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996, p. 35, fig. 10, as Pastorale (Idylle).
Rewald, John. The Paintings of Paul Cézanne, A Catalogue Raisonné, 2 vols. In Collaboration with Walter Feilchenfeldt and Jayne Warman. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996, no. 166, ill. vol. 2, as Pastorale.
Freudenberg, Inken. Der Zweifler Cézanne. Heidelberg: Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg, 2001, pl. 38.
Platzman, Steven. Cézanne: The Self-Portraits. Berkeley: University of California, 2001, p. 111, 114, 200, fig. 28, as Pastorale.
Ballas, Guila. Cézanne: baigneuses et baigneurs: thème et composition. Paris: Adam Biro, 2002, fig. 4b p. 16, fig. a (detail) p. 266, p. 309, no. 258, ill., as L'Idylle (Pastorale), 1870.
Mori, Gioia. "'La letteratura si esprime con astrazioni mentre il pittore concretizza.' Gli scrittori di Cézanne: Zola, Balzac e Flaubert." In Cézanne: Il padre dei moderni. Milan: Mazzotta, 2002. Exhibition catalogue, ill. p. 83.
Athanassoglou-Kallmyer, Nina M. Cézanne and Provence: The Painter in His Culture. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2003, p. 195, fig. 5.4, as Pastorale.
Feilchenfeldt, Walter. "Cézannes Motive: Versuch einer neuen Ordnung." In "By Appointment Only": Schriften zu Kunst und Kunsthandel, Cézanne und Van Gogh. Wädenswil: Nimbus, 2005, p. 203, ill.
Jensen, Robert. "Vollard and Cézanne: An Anatomy of a Relationship." In Cézanne to Picasso: Ambroise Vollard, Patron of the Avant-Garde. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art; New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006. Exhibition catalogue, p. 32, fig. 32, as Pastoral (Idyll).
Kear, Jon. "'Frenhofer: c'est moi': Cézanne's Nudes and Balzac's 'Le Chef-d-oeuvre inconnu.'" The Cambridge Quarterly 35, no. 4 (2006), p. 357, fig. 4.
Kitschen, Friederike. "Melancholie und 'décoration.' Zur Stimmung im Werk Paul Cézannes." In Stimmung. Ästhetische Kategorie und künstlerische Praxis, edited by Kerstin Thomas. Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2010, p. 82, ill.
Coutagne, Denis. "Le Femme exposée." In Cézanne et Paris. Paris: Éditions de la Rmn-Grand Palais, 2011. Exhibition catalogue, p. 88, fig. 39, as Pastorale.
Freudenberg, Inken. "'And the picture, once left, torments us and pursues us': Cézanne and Delacroix." In Cézanne and the Past: Tradition and Creativity. Budapest: Museum of Fine Arts, 2012. Exhibition catalogue, p. 53, fig. 22, as Pastoral.
Rishel, Joseph J. "Introduction." In Gauguin, Cézanne, Matisse: Visions of Arcadia. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2012. Exhibition catalogue, p. 9, fig. 11, as Pastoral.
Colrat, Jean. Cézanne: Joindre les mains errantes de la nature. Paris-Sorbonne: PUPS, 2013, p. 150, pl. 48.
Gottlieb, Lennart. Modernism: Reinventing Painting, 1908–41. Aarhus: ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, 2012. Exhibition catalogue, p. 182, fig. 124.
Machotka, Pavel. Cézanne: Landscape into Art. Prague: Arbor Vitae, 2014, p. 60, fig. 10, as Pastorale (Idylle).
Eiling, Alexander. "Cézanne's Metamorphoses." In Cézanne Metamorphoses. Munich and Karlsruhe: Prestel and Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, 2017. Exhibition catalogue, fig. 16.
Kitschen, Friederike. "Das Papierne Museum: Julius Meier-Graefe und die Vergegenwärtigung Paul Cézannes in Bild und Wort." In Julius Meier-Graefe: Grenzgänger der Künste, Becker, Ingeborg and Stephanie Marchal (editors). Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2017, p. 183, fig. 2 p. 182 (reproduction of ill. in Meier-Graefe 1907), as Idylle.
Armstrong, Carol. Cézanne's Gravity. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2018, fig. 13.
Dauberville, Guy-Patrice, and Floriane Dauberville. Paul Cezanne chez Bernheim-Jeune. Paris: Editions G-P.F. Dauberville & Archives Bernheim-Jeune, 2020, no. 261, ill., as L'Idylle or Pastorale or Paysage avec femmes nues.
Athanassoglou-Kallmyer, Nina M. "Cézanne nostalgique: Nostalgia, Memory, Illusion." Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 22, no. 2 (Autumn 2023), fig. 1.
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Record last updated April 7, 2021. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "Pastorale, 1870 (FWN 609)." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on January 22, 2025).