The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne
An Online Catalogue Raisonné under the Direction of Société Paul Cezanne
(Formerly directed by Walter Feilchenfeldt, Jayne Warman and David Nash)
FWN 981
Grandes baigneuses
Alternate titles: Badende; Badende (Frauen); Badende Frauen; Baigneuses; Bañistas; Bathers; Die Badenden; Grandes bañistas; Große Badende; Le Bain; Les baigneuses; Les grandes baigneuses; Nus or Grandes baigneuses; The Bathers; The Large Bathers
Rewald (857): 1906; Venturi revised: 1898–1905; Venturi (719): 1898–1905; Rivière: 1895 and 1902; Gowing: started in 1895, abandoned, and taken up again in 1905; Reff: 1906 (MoMA)
Oil on canvas
82 7/8 x 98 3/4 in. (210.5 x 250.8 cm)
Vollard B stockbook: no. 4451 or 4453, baigneuses (20000/60000 frs)
Exhibition History
Salon d'Automne, Grand Palais, Paris, Rétrospective d'oeuvres de Cézanne, October 1–22, 1907, no. 19, as Baigneuses, lent by Pellerin.
Berlin, Achtzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession, Spring 1909, no. 40, ill., as Badende.
Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Paris, Exposition rétrospective Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) au profit de la caisse du Monument Cézanne, June 1–30, 1926, no. 38, as Les baigneuses, lent by Pellerin.
Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris, Cézanne, May 20–October 11, 1936, no. 107, pl. XVIII, as Grandes baigneuses, lent by Pellerin.
Philadelphia Museum of Arts, Philadelphia, Diamond Jubilee Exhibition, Masterpieces of Painting, November 4, 1950–February 11, 1951, no. 88, ill., as Grandes baigneuses, lent by Philadelphia Museum.
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Cézanne: Paintings, Watercolors & Drawings, A Loan Exhibition, February 7–March 16, 1952, no. 95, ill. lent by Philadelphia Museum of Art. Traveled to: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, April 1–May 16, 1952.
Orangerie, Paris, De David à Toulouse-Lautrec: Chefs-d'oeuvre des collections américaines, April 20–July 5, 1955, no. 5, pl. 63, lent by Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Cézanne in Philadelphia Collections, July 19–August 21, 1983, no. 22, ill. lent by Philadelphia Museum.
Grand Palais, Paris, Cézanne, September 26, 1995–January 14, 1996, no. 219, ill. Traveled to: Tate Gallery, London, February 8–April 28, 1996; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, May 26–September 1, 1996.
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Cézanne and Beyond, February 26–May 17, 2009, pl. 66, p. 240 (dated 1906), as Grandes baigneuses.
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Gauguin, Cézanne, Matisse: Visions of Arcadia, June 20–September 3, 2012, ill., p. 216, p. xii and fig. 155 (dated 1900–06).
Published References
Glaser, Curt. "Die zwanzigste Ausstellung der Berliner Secession." Die Kunst für Alle 25, no. 19 (July 1, 1910), pp. 437–38, as Badende.
Herrmann, Curt. Der Kampf um den Stil: Probleme der modernen Malerei. Berlin: E. Reiss, 1911, p. 37, ill.
Burger, Fritz. Cézanne und Hodler. Munich: Delphin Verlag, 1913, pl. 56, as Badende (Frauen).
Kandinsky, Wassily. The Art of Spiritual Harmony. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1914, p. 61, ill.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Cézanne und sein Kreis: ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte: mit 127 Tonätzungen und fünfzehn Heliogravüren. Munich: R. Piper, 1918, ill. p. 203.
Westheim, Paul. Die Welt als Vorstellung. Potsdam–Berlin: Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1918, p. 87, ill.
Deri, Max. Die Malerei im XIX. Jahrhundert: entwicklungsgeschichtliche Darstellung auf psychologischer Grundlage. Berlin: Paul Cassirer, 1919, pp. 206–08, pl. 49.
Vauvrecy; Paul Cézanne. "Vie de Cézanne'';''Lettres de Cézanne." L'Esprit nouveau: revue internationale d'esthétique, no. 2 (1920), ill. p. 138.
Gasquet, Joachim. "Cézanne à l'atelier." L'Amour de l'art 2, 10 (October 1921), ill. p. 330, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Gasquet, Joachim. Cézanne. Paris: Les Editions Bernheim-Jeune, 1921, p. 35, pl. p. 36, as Le Bain.
Fontainas, André and Louis Vauxcelles. "Paul Cézanne." Histoire générale de l'art français de la Révolution à nos jours: la peinture, la gravure, le dessin. Paris: Librairie de France, 1922, ill. p. 233, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Glaser, Curt. Paul Cézanne. Leipzig: E.A. Seemann, 1922, pl. 19, as Die Badenden, 1895-1905.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Cézanne und sein Kreis: ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte: mit 171 Tonätzungen und einem Lichtdruck. Munich: R. Piper, 1922, ill. p. 245.
Rivière, Georges. Le Maître Paul Cézanne. Paris: Librairie Floury, 1923, p. 200, listed.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. "Cézanne." In Entwicklungsgeschichte der modernen Kunst vol. 3. Munich: R. Piper & Co., [1924] (copyright 1915), pl. 503, as Die Badenden, 1895-1905.
Goulinat, J.-G. "Technique picturale: l'évolution du métier de Cézanne." L'Art vivant (Paris), no. 5 (March 1, 1925), p. 22, ill., as Baigneuses.
Anonymous. "L'exposition du peintre aixois Paul Cézanne." Le Petit Provençal, June 2, 1926, p. 2, as Les baigneuses.
Fry, Roger. "Le développement de Cézanne." L'Amour de l'art 7, no. 12 (December 1926), ill. p. 415, as Baigneuses.
Gasquet, Joachim. Cézanne. Paris: Les Editions Bernheim-Jeune, 1926, p. 56, pl. [10] hors texte, as Le Bain.
Vauxcelles, Louis. "A propos de Cézanne [Hommage à Paul Cézanne]." L'Art vivant (Paris), no. 37 (July 1, 1926), p. 482, ill., as Baigneuses.
Fry, Roger. Cézanne: A Study of His Development. New York: Macmillan, 1927, p. 81, fig. 45, pl. XXXIV.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Cézanne. translated by J. Holroyd-Reece. London: Ernest Benn, 1927, pl. CIV.
Gasquet, Joachim. Cézanne: 24 phototypies. Paris: Librairie de France, [1928], [pl. 15], as Baigneuses.
Rey, Robert. La Renaissance du sentiment classique. Paris: G. van Oest, 1931, ill. opp. p. 92.
Zervos, Christian. "Les Problèmes de la jeune peinture: Le retour au sujet est-il probable?" Cahiers d'Art, nos. 3 and 4 (1931), p. 125, ill.
Lhote, André. La Peinture: Le Coeur et l'esprit. Paris: Denoël et Steele, 1933, p. 160, ill.
Peschcke-Koedt, Matthias. "Statusopgorelse i Malerkunsten." Samleren 10 (December 1933), p. 185, ill.
Guenne, Jacques. "Paul Cézanne et le drame de la peinture." L'Art vivant (Paris), no. 204 (1936), ill. p. [152].
Laprade, Jacques de. "L'exposition Cézanne à l'Orangerie." Beaux-arts: Chronique des arts et de la curiosité, no. 177 (May 22, 1936), ill. p. 9, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Rydbeck, Ingrid. "Apropå Cézanne." Konstrevy (Stockholm) XII, no. 5 (1936), ill. p. 139, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Sterling, Charles. "Cézanne et les maîtres d'autrefois." La Renaissance (Paris), vol. 19, nos. 5-6 (May–June 1936), p. 9, fig. 4, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Rewald, John. "Cézanne et son oeuvre." L'Art sacré: revue mensuelle, special number, Cézanne (May 1936), p. 10, fig. 27 p. 30, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Huyghe, René. "Cézanne et son oeuvre." L'Amour de l'art 17, no. 5 (May 1936), fig. 81, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Venturi, Lionello. Cézanne: Son Art, Son Oeuvre. Paris: Editions Paul Rosenberg, 1936, no. 719, ill. vol. II, as Grandes baigneuses.
"Cezanne's Paintings and Watercolors Exhibited in Fine One Man Loan Show at the Paris Orangerie." The Art News XXXIV, 39 (Aug. 15, 1936), p. 5, ill.
"Les 'Baigneuses' de Cézanne au musée de Philadelphie." Beaux-arts: Chronique des arts et de la curiosité, no. 255 (Nov. 19, 1937), ill. p. 1, as Baigneuses.
Francastel, Pierre. L'impressionnisme: Les origines de la peinture moderne de Monet à Gauguin. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1937, fig. 23, as Bathers, dated 1900; private collection.
Vauxcelles, Louis. "Les tableaux les plus chers du monde." Le Monde illustré (Paris) (November 27, 1937), pp. 833-834, ill. p. 834, as Baigneuses.
Vollard, Ambroise. Souvenirs d'un marchand de tableaux. Paris: Albin Michel, 1937, pl. 3.
"Field Notes, News of Federation Chapters and Several Arts
Cézanne Bathers." Magazine of Art 30, no. 12 (December 1937), p. 745, ill., as Les grandes baigneuses.
"Cézanne's Great 'Bathers' Comes to America: Another Philadelphia Event." The Art News 36 (November 13, 1937), p. 8, ill., as Les grandes baigneuses.
"Recent Outstanding Acquisitions of American Museums." Art Quarterly (Spring 1938), p. 146, ill.
Bazin, Germain. "Cézanne et la Montagne Sainte-Victoire." L'Amour de l'art 19, no. 10 (December 1938), ill. p. 381.
Gaunt, William. "Paul Cézanne: An Essay in Valuation of the Ideals and Achievements of the Greatest Amateur of an Amateur Age in Painting." Studio 116, no. 564 (September 1938), p. 145, ill.
Goldwater, Robert J. "Cézanne in America: The Master's Paintings in American Collections." Art News Annual 36, no. 26 (March 26, 1938), p. 134, ill.
Zervos, Christian. Histoire de l'art contemporain. Paris: Éditions Cahiers d'art, 1938, p. 41, ill.
Barnes, Albert C., and Violette de Mazia. The Art of Cézanne. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1939, no. 190, p. 284, ill. (analysis pp. 391–93).
Vaughan, Malcolm. "An Author's Eye for Painting." Art News 42 (November 1, 1943), p. 15, ill.
Laporte, Paul M. "Cézanne and Whitman." Magazine of Art 37, no. 6 (October 1944), p. 225, ill.
Jewell, Edward Alden. Paul Cézanne. New York: Hyperion Press, 1944, p. 22, ill (captioned Water-color 7 1/2 x 10 1/2 Courtesy of Maitland, LA).
Jewell, Edward Alden. French Impressionists and Their Contemporaries. New York: Hyperion Press, 1944, p. 133, ill.
Bazin, Germain. L'Epoque impressionniste. Paris: P. Tisné, 1947, pl. 68, as Les grandes baigneuses, 1895-1905.
Kimball, Fiske, and Lionello Venturi. Great Paintings in America: One Hundred and One Masterpieces in Color. New York: Coward-McCann, 1948, no. 92, ill.
Novotny, Fritz. "Cézanne als Zeichner." Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte 14 (1950), p. 232.
Louchheim, Aline Bernstein. "Cezanne: Link in Art." The New York Times (New York) (April 6, 1952), p. 22, ill., as The Bathers.
Storey, Benjamin. "Retrospettiva Cézanne." Emporium 115, no. 689 (May 1952), p. 202, ill.
Hofmann, Werner. Paul Cézanne (1839-1906). Munich, Vienna, Basel: Kurt Desch, 1953, pl. 25, as Badende Frauen, 1898-1905.
Rousseau, Théodore, Jr. Paul Cézanne, 1839–1906. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1953, pl. 25.
Berger, Klaus. "Poussin's Style and the XIX Century." Gazette des beaux-arts, vol. 45, periode 6 (March 1955), p. 163, fig. 2, as The Bathers.
Beucken, Jean de. Un portrait de Cézanne. Paris: Gallimard, [1955], pp. 296-97, 308, 314, 319.
Rousseau, Théodore, Jr. Art et Style. 34, De David à Toulouse-Lautrec dans les collections et musées américains. Paris, 1st trimester, 1955, ill. in b/w (n.p.), as Les grandes baigneuses.
Saxl, Fritz. A Heritage of Images: A Selection of Lectures by Fritz Saxl. London: Penguin Books, 1957, fig. 144.
Berthold, Gertrude. Cézanne und die alten Meister. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1958, p. 42, fig. 59.
Neumeyer, Alfred. Paul Cézanne: Die Badenden. Stuttgart: Philip Reclam, 1959, figs. 8, 9 (detail), 10 (detail), 11 (detail), 12 (detail).
Rewald, John. Cézanne, Geffroy et Gasquet, suivi de Souvenirs sur Cézanne de Louis Aurenche et de lettres inédites. Paris: Quatre Chemins-Editart, 1959, fig. 15.
Schack, William. Art and Argyrol: The Life and Career of Dr. Albert C. Barnes. New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1960, pp. 267–71.
Reff, Theodore. "Cézanne and Poussin." Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 23, nos. 1–2 (January–June 1960), p. 173, as Grandes baigneuses.
Waldfogel, Melvin. "A Problem in Cézanne's 'Grandes Baigneuses.'" The Burlington Magazine 104, no. 710 (May 1962), pp. 203 and 204, fig. 33.
Berger, John. The Success and Failure of Picasso. Penguin Books, 1965, fig. 37, p. 75, as Les grandes baigneuses, 1898-1906.
Haftmann, Werner. Malerei im 20. Jahrhundert: eine Bild-Enzyklopädie. Munich: Prestel, 1965, listed p. 405, fig. 4 p. 20, as Die Badenden, 1898-1905.
Leonhard, Kurt. Paul Cézanne in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. Rheinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966, p. 139, ill.
Martini, Alberto, and Renata Negri. Cézanne e il post-impressionismo. Milan: Fabbri, 1967, pl. XII.
Murphy, Richard W. The World of Cézanne, 1839–1906. New York: Time-Life Books, 1968, pp. 114–15.
Novotny, Fritz. Über das "Elementare" in der Kunstgeschichte und andere Aufsätze. Vienna: Verlag Brüder Rosenbaum, 1968, p. 84.
Schapiro, Meyer. "The Apples of Cézanne: An Essay on the Meaning of Still-Life." Art News Annual 34 (1968), p. 48, pl. 17.
Cherpin, Jean et al. "L'Oeuvre gravé de Cézanne." Arts et Livres de Provence (Marseille) 82 (1972), ill. p. [59], as Les grandes baigneuses.
Schapiro, Meyer. Paul Cézanne. Translated by Louis-Marie Ollivier. Paris: Nouvelles Editions Françaises, 1973, pl. 44, with comments.
Geist, Sidney. "The Secret Life of Paul Cézanne." Art International 19, no. 9 (November 20, 1975), p. 7, ill.
Tsiakma, Katia. "Cézanne's and Poussin's Nudes." Art Journal 37, no. 2 (Winter 1977), figs. 19 and 24 (detail), and detail on cover.
Rubin, William, ed. Cézanne: The Late Work. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1977. Exhibition catalogue, pl. 189.
Reff, Theodore. "Cézanne's Late Bather Paintings." Arts Magazine 52, no. 2 (October 1977), p. 116, fig. 3.
Reff, Theodore. "Painting and Theory in the Final Decade." In Cézanne: The Late Work. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1977. Exhibition catalogue, p. 43, ill.
Embiricos, Georges A. "Cézanne et la répétition." Connaissance des Arts, no. 315 (May 1978), p. 72, ill. p. 73.
Geist, Sidney. "What Makes 'The Black Clock' Run." Art International 22, no. 2 (February 1978), p. 13, ill.
Osborne, Harold. "Cubism, Cézanne, and Perceptual Realism." In Abstraction and Artifice in Twentieth Century Art. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1979, p. 66.
Krumrine, Mary Louise. "Cézanne's Bathers: Form and Content." Arts Magazine 54, no. 9 (May 1980), pp. 115, 117–18, fig. 3.
Van Liere, Eldon N. "Solutions and Dissolutions: The Bather in Nineteenth Century French Painting." Arts 54, no. 9 (May 1980), p. 113, fig. 27.
Ponente, Nello, ed. Cézanne e le avanguardie. Rome: Officina Edizioni, 1981, Covre: pl. 2.
Güse, Ernst-Gerhard. "Franz Marc und August Macke 'Paradies' (1912) - Das Wandbild aus dem Atelier Mackes in Bonn." In Die Gemälde von Franz Marc und August Macke im Westfälischen Landesmuseum Münster. Münster: Westfälischen Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, 1982, p. 22, fig. 30, as Große Badende.
Ballas, Guila. "Unknown Sources for Cézanne's Women Bathers." In Norms and Variations in Art: Essays in Honor of Moshe Barasch. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1983, p. 185.
Faxon, Alicia. "Cézanne's Sources for 'Les Grandes Baigneuses.'" The Art Bulletin 65, no. 2 (June 1983), fig. 1.
Barskaya, Anna and Evgenia Georgievskaia. Paul Cézanne: Bilder aus Museen der Sowjetunion. Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1983, ill. p. 43.
Butler, Marigene. "An Investigation of the Materials and Technique Used by Paul Cézanne." American Institute for Conservation. 1984, ill.
Gache-Patin, Sylvie. "Musée d'Orsay, Galerie du Jeu de Paume: douze œuvres de Cézanne de l'ancienne collection Pellerin." La Revue du Louvre et des musées de France 34, no. 2 (1984), fig. 14 p. 141.
Shiff, Richard. Cézanne and the end of Impressionism: a study of the theory, technique, and a critical evaluation of modern art. Chicago; London: The Univesity of Chicago Press, 1984, pp. 216-217, fig. 54, as Grandes baigneuses, 1906.
Wetzel, Christoph. Paul Cézanne: Leben u. Werk. Stuttgart/Zurich: Belser, 1984, p. 74/75, ill. in color.
Brettell, Richard. "The Bartletts and the 'Grande Jatte:' Collecting Modern Painting in the 1920s." Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies 12, no. 2 (1986), p. 109, discussed, fig. 5.
Pickvance, Ronald, and Hideo Takumi. Cézanne. Tokyo: Tokyo Shimbun, 1986. Exhibition catalogue, p. 80, ill.
Lévêque, Jean Jacques. La Vie et l'oeuvre de Paul Cézanne. Courbevoie: ACR, 1988, p. 199, ill. in color.
Plazy, Gilles. Cézanne ou la peinture absolue. Paris: Editions Liana Levi, 1988, p. 151, ill. in color.
Düchting, Hajo. Paul Cézanne: Natur wird Kunst. Cologne: Benedict Taschen Verlag, 1989, p. 149, ill.
Geelhaar, Christian. "The Painters Who Had the Right Eyes: On the reception of Cézanne's Bathers." In Paul Cézanne: The Bathers. Basel: Kunstmuseum Basel, 1989. Exhibition catalogue, p. 297, fig. 235, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Lewis, Mary Tompkins. Cézanne's Early Imagery. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989, p. 204.
Rewald, John. Cézanne and America: Dealers, Collectors, Artists and Critics, 1891–1921. Princeton: Princeton University Press; London: Thames & Hudson, 1989, pp. 112, 239–40, fig. 63.
Krumrine, Mary Louise. "'Les Baigneuses' de Cézanne du Musée Granet." Impressions du Musée Granet, no. 3 (September 1989), fig. 3.
Krumrine, Mary Louise. "Paul Cézanne: The Bathers." In Paul Cézanne: The Bathers. Basel: Museum of Fine Arts, 1989. Exhibition catalogue, ill. 179 p. 215.
Paas Sigrun. "Betrachtungen zu Blau in der Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts." In Blau: Farbe der Ferne, Hans Gercke (editor). Heidelberg: Das Wunderhorn, 1990. Exhibition catalogue, p. 162-163, ill. p. 161, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Coutagne, Denis. "Sainte-Victoire d'après Cézanne." In Sainte-Victoire: Cézanne. Aix-en-Provence: Musée Granet, 1990, p. 242, fig. 210.
Gasquet, Joachim. Joachim Gasquet's Cézanne. Translated by C. Pemberton. London and New York: Thames & Hudson, 1991, p. 79, ill.
Shiff, Richard. "Cézanne's Physicality: The Politics of Touch." In The Language of Art History, edited by Salim Kemal and Ivan Gaskell. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1991, p. 143, fig. 8.3
Wattenmaker, Richard et al. Great French Paintings from The Barnes Foundation. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993. Exhibition catalogue, p. 160, fig. 2.
Bozal, Valeriano. "Paul Cézanne: la mirada es le leguaje." La Balsa de la Medusa (Madrid) 36 (1995), p. 98-99, ill. p. 97, as Grandes bañistas, c. 1906.
Dossier de l'art. no. 25, Cézanne. Dijon: Editions Faton, September - October 1995, ill. pp. 64-65.
Sollers, Philippe. Le Paradis de Cézanne. Paris: Gallimard, 1995, cover, p. 110-11, ill.
Garb, Tamar. "Visuality and Sexuality in Cézanne's Late Bathers." Oxford Art Journal 19, no. 2 (1996), p. 47, fig. 1.
Rewald, John. The Paintings of Paul Cézanne, A Catalogue Raisonné, 2 vols. In Collaboration with Walter Feilchenfeldt and Jayne Warman. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996, no. 857, ill. vol. 2 and p. 35, ill. col. vol. 1, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Serraller, Francisco Calvo. "Una revisión 'postmoderna' del arte del siglio XIX." Arte y Parte: revista de arte (Madrid) 2 (April-May 1996), ill. p. 8, as Bañistas, 1898-1905.
Gervais, David. "A Picture by Cézanne: 'Le Grand Baigneur.'" The Cambridge Quarterly 26, no. 2 (1997), fig. 5.
Martin, François-René. "L'Arcadie, l'abstraction, l'ascèse. Baumeister et Cézanne." In Willi Baumeister et la France. Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux, 1999. Exhibition catalogue, pp. 25 et 35, fig. 3 p. 25, as Grandes baigneuses.
Benesch, Evelyn. "From the Incomplete to the Unfinished: Realisation in the Work of Paul Cézanne." In Cézanne: Finished, Unfinished. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2000. Exhibition catalogue, p. 61, fig. 29, as Grandes baigneuses.
Coutagne, Denis. "Cézanne au fil de l'eau." In Au fil de l'eau. Aix-en-Provence: Ville d'Aix-en-Provence, 2000. Exhibition catalogue, ill. p. 34, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Feilchenfeldt, Walter. "Bathers." In Cézanne: Finished, Unfinished. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2000. Exhibition catalogue, p. 262, fig. 1, as Grandes baigneuses.
Ballas, Guila. Cézanne: baigneuses et baigneurs: thème et composition. Paris: Adam Biro, 2002, ill. pp. 91 and 261 (detail), p. 278, no. 27, ill., as Grandes baigneuses, 1906.
Coutagne, Denis. "The Major Works in the Lauves Studio." In Atelier Cézanne, 1902–2002: Le centenaire. Aix-en-Provence: Société Paul Cézanne, 2002, fig. 12, ill. in color.
Rishel, Joseph J. "The Grand Window and Slot in the Studio Wall." In Atelier Cézanne, 1902–2002: Le centenaire. Aix-en-Provence: Société Paul Cézanne, 2002, fig. 4, ill. in color.
Athanassoglou-Kallmyer, Nina M. Cézanne and Provence: The Painter in His Culture. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2003, p. 227, fig. 5.32, as Grandes baigneuses.
Andersen, Wayne V. Cézanne and the Eternal Feminine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 225, fig. 109.
Baumann, Felix A., ed. Cézanne—Aufbruch in die Moderne. Essen: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2004. Exhibition catalogue, p. 183, ill., as Grandes baigneuses.
Karmel, Pepe. "Die Lehren des Meisters: Cézanne und der Kubismus." In Cézanne: Aufbruch in die Moderne. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2004. Exhibition catalogue, p. 183.
Tosini, Aurora Scotti. "Paul Cézanne (1839–1906)." In Cézanne, Renoir. Milan: Skira, 2005. Exhibition catalogue, p. 55, ill.
Feilchenfeldt, Walter. "Cézannes Motive: Versuch einer neuen Ordnung." In "By Appointment Only": Schriften zu Kunst und Kunsthandel, Cézanne und Van Gogh. Wädenswil: Nimbus, 2005, p. 214, ill.
Conisbee, Philip. "The Atelier des Lauves." In Cézanne in Provence. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art and New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006. Exhibition catalogue, p. 237, fig. 13, as Grandes baigneuses.
D'Souza, Aruna. Cézanne's Bathers. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008, pl. 11, ill.
Machotka, Pavel. Cézanne: The Eye and the Mind, 2 vols. Marseille: Editions Crès, 2008, vol. 1, fig. 310; vol. 2, p. 209, as Les grandes baigneuses.
Simms, Matthew. Cézanne's watercolors: between drawing and painting. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2008, p. 171, fig. 121.
Elderfield, John. "Picasso's Extreme Cézanne." In Cézanne and Beyond. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art; New Haven: In association with Yale University Press, 2009. Exhibition catalogue, p. 240, pl. 66, as The Large Bathers.
Coutagne, Denis. Cézanne abstraction faite. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 2011, p. 232, fig. 161.
Florman, Lisa. "Insistent, Resistant Cézanne: On Picasso's 'Three Women' and 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.'" Notes on the History of Art 31/32, no. 4/1 (Summer 2012/Fall 2012), fig. 3.
Galassi, Susan Grace. "Visions of Arcadia." The Burlington Magazine 154, no. 1314 (September 2012), fig. 66, as The Large Bathers, 1900-06.
Lewis, Mary Tompkins. "Cézanne and the Louvre." In Cézanne and the Past: Tradition and Creativity. Budapest: Museum of Fine Arts, 2012. Exhibition catalogue, p. 111, fig. 65, p. 110 (detail).
Rishel, Joseph J. "Cézanne, Virgil, Poussin." In Gauguin, Cézanne, Matisse: Visions of Arcadia. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2012. Exhibition catalogue, p. 162, fig. 155, as The Large Bathers, dated 1900-06.
Colrat, Jean. Cézanne: Joindre les mains errantes de la nature. Paris-Sorbonne: PUPS, 2013, p. 286, pl. 130.
Rey, Xavier. "Courbet, Cézanne: Le nu en question." In Courbet/Cézanne: La vérité en peinture. Lyon: Fage éditions, 2013. Exhibition catalogue, p. 97, fig. 8.
Benedetti, Maria Teresa. "Gli artisti italiani e Cézanne." In Cézanne et gli artisti italiani del '900. Milan: Skira, 2013. Exhibition catalogue, p. 45, fig. 42.
Elderfield, John, Mary Morton, Xavier Rey. Cézanne Portraits. Paris: Musée d'Orsay and Editions Gallimard, 2017. Exhibition catalogue, p. 271, fig. 98.
Warman, Jayne. "Chronologie." In Cézanne Portraits. Paris: Musée d'Orsay and Editions Gallimard, 2017. Exhibition catalogue, p. 271, fig. 98.
Lobstein, Dominique. "Biographie." In Paul Cezanne, Le chant de la terre. Martigny: Fondation Pierre Gianadda, 2017. Exhibition catalogue, p. 362, ill.
Shiff, Richard. "Mimetic Cézanne." In Cézanne and the past : tradition and creativity [international symposium, Budapest, Museum of Fine Arts, 28 January 2013]. Budapest: Museum of Fine Arts, 2017, fig. 3.
Warman, Jayne. "Chronology." In Cézanne Portraits. London and Princeton, NJ.: National Portrait Gallery Publications and Princeton University Press, 2017. Exhibition catalogue, fig. 108.
Armstrong, Carol. Cézanne's Gravity. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2018, fig. 97.
Trésors Impressionnistes, La collection Ordrupgaard. Martigny, 2019. Exhibition catalogue, p.. 92, ill., as Les grandes baigneuses.
Cezanne, Jas de Bouffan: art et histoire. Under the scientific direction of Denis Coutagne and François Chédeville. Lyon; Aix-en-Provence: Fage édition; Société Paul Cezanne, 2019, fig. 235 p. 253.
Dauberville, Guy-Patrice, and Floriane Dauberville. Paul Cezanne chez Bernheim-Jeune. Paris: Editions G-P.F. Dauberville & Archives Bernheim-Jeune, 2020, no. 241, ill., as Nus or Grandes baigneuses.
Dombrowski, André, Nancy Ireson, and Sylvie Patry, eds. Cézanne in the Barnes Foundation. New York: Rizzoli Electa in association with The Barnes Foundation, 2021, p. 304, fig. 5, as The Large Bathers, dated 1900–06.
Shiff, Richard. "Sensation Abstracted." In Cezanne to Malevich, Arcadia to Abstraction. Budapest: Museum of Fine Arts, 2021. Exhibition catalogue, fig. 1.
Haskell, Caitlin. "Cezanne's Refusal." In Cezanne. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 2022, p.36, fig. 1.
Record last updated June 8, 2023. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "Grandes baigneuses, 1906 (FWN 981)." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on February 7, 2025).