The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne
An Online Catalogue Raisonné under the Direction of Société Paul Cezanne
(Formerly directed by Walter Feilchenfeldt, Jayne Warman and David Nash)
FWN 3004-x3a
Nu debout tenant une épée
Alternate titles: Allegorie der Republik (Allégorie de la République); Engel mit Schwert
Rewald (W26): 1865–70; c.1860 (head of man at upper left); Chappuis: 1871–72 (Allégorie de la République)
Graphite and watercolor on wove paper, probably page from an early sketchbook (fragment)
4 11/16 x 4 13/16 in. (11.9 x 12.3 cm)
Private collection, Munich;
Private collection (by 2005)
Exhibition History
Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, the Netherlands, Paul Cézanne, June 1–August 1, 1956, no. 94, lent by Heidi Vollmoeller, Zurich.
Haus der Kunst, Munich, Paul Cézanne, October 12–November 18, 1956, no. 113, as Engel mit Schwert, 1867/70, lent by Private collection.
Kunsthalle Tübingen, Tübingen, Paul Cézanne Aquarelle, January 16–March 21, 1982, no. 5, ill., as Allegorie der Republik (Allégorie de la République), c. 1871, lent by Private collection, Switzerland. Traveled to: Kunsthaus, Zürich, April 2–May 31, 1982.
Published References
Chappuis, Adrien. The Drawings of Paul Cézanne: A Catalogue Raisonné. Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society, 1973, cited under no. 198, fig. 29.
Rewald, John. Paul Cézanne: The Watercolors, A Catalogue Raisonné. Boston: Little, Brown; London: Thames & Hudson, 1983, no. 26, ill.
Dombrowski, André. Cézanne, Murder, and Modern Life. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013, p. 197, fig. 76.
The woman is surrounded by vanquished men. "This subject was found in French reviews and newspapers after the events of 1870–71. When the flag is red, the woman personifies the Commune; here, the flag being the Tricolor, she presumably represents the new Republic." (Chappuis, 1973, p. 93, fig. 29)
This work is part of a sketchbook:
Early Sketchbook, 1857–75 (3004)
Early Sketchbook, 1857–75 (3004)
Most of the sheets from this early sketchbook have been dispersed and are missing. The numbered pages are written in Arabic numerals at the lower right of the recto side.
Record last updated November 7, 2023. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "Nu debout tenant une épée, 1865–70 (FWN 3004-x3a), probably page from an early sketchbook (fragment)." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on September 10, 2024).