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Challis 2020

Challis, Davi. "Moving Mountains: Paris-Based Dealers and the Economics of Translocation." In Pioneers of the Global Art Market, Paris-Based Dealer Networks, 1850–1950, pp. 59–73. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2020.
  • Cleary 2020: Cleary, MaryKate. "The Galerie Paul Rosenberg and the American Market in the Interwar Era." In Pioneers of the Global Art Market, Paris-Based Dealer Networks, 1850–1950, pp. 171–84. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2020.
  • Force 2020: Force, Christel H. "'A Viking Sailing over the Savage Sea, Far, Far to the North': Walther halvorsen." In Pioneers of the Global Art Market, Paris-Based Dealer Networks, 1850–1950, pp. 135–57. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2020.
  • Force 2020a: Force, Christel H. "Etienne Bignou: The Gallery as Antechamber of the Museum." In Pioneers of the Global Art Market, Paris-Based Dealer Networks, 1850–1950, pp. 201–29. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2020.
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Record last updated May 14, 2021. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "Literature: Challis 2020." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on January 16, 2025).