The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne
An Online Catalogue Raisonné under the Direction of Société Paul Cezanne
(Formerly directed by Walter Feilchenfeldt, Jayne Warman and David Nash)
FWN 322
Rochers à Fontainebleau
Alternate titles: Landscape – Forest of Fontainebleau; Rochers; Rochers dans la forêt de Fontainebleau; Rocks - forest of Fontainebleau; Rocks at Fontainebleau; Rocks—Fontainebleau
Rewald (775): c.1893; Venturi revised: c.1892; Venturi (673): 1894–98; Cooper: c.1898; Gowing: 1898–99; Reff: 1894 (MoMA)
Oil on canvas
28 7/8 x 36 3/8 in. (73.3 x 92.4 cm)
Vollard A stockbook: no. 3447, Peinture. La Forêt de Fontainebleau rochers et arbres dans un ton gris argent, 73 x 92 cm (200 frs)
Exhibition History
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, The H.O. Havemeyer Collection, March 10–November 2, 1930, no. 8.
Pennsylvania Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Cézanne, November 10–December 10, 1934, no. 42, as Rocks—Fontainebleau, lent by Met.
San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, Paul Cézanne: Exhibition of Paintings, Water-colors, Drawings and Prints, September 1–October 4, 1937, no. 31, ill. lent by Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Wildenstein Galleries, New York, Six Masters of Post-Impressionism, April 8–May 8, 1948, no. 9, as Rocks - forest of Fontainebleau, lent by Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, Twentieth Century Painting from Three Cities: New York, New Haven, Hartford, October 19–December 4, 1955, no. 9.
Nationalgalerie, Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin, Die Ile de France und ihre Maler, September 29–November 24, 1963, no. 5.
The Museum of Modern Art, New York and Reunion des Musees Nationaux, Paris, France, Cézanne: The Late Work, October 7, 1977–January 3, 1978, no. 8, pl. 67. Traveled to: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, January 26–March 19, 1978; Grand Palais, Paris, Cezanne: Les dernières années (1895–1906), April 20–July 23, 1978 (see Paris 1978a for a separate listing because the catalogue numbers are different from the two American venues).
Grand Palais, Paris, Cézanne: Les dernières années (1895–1906), April 20–July 23, 1978, no. 58, ill.
Grand Palais, Paris, Cézanne, September 26, 1995–January 14, 1996, no. 158, ill. Traveled to: Tate Gallery, London, February 8–April 28, 1996; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, May 26–September 1, 1996.
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Marseille, France, Right Under the Sun, Landscape in Provence: From Classicism to Modernism (1750–1920), May 18–August 21, 2005, no. 34, ill., p. 176, as Rochers à Fontainebleau. Traveled to: Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, September 22, 2005–January 8, 2006.
Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, Cézanne et Paris, October 12, 2011–February 26, 2012, no. 60, ill., p. 134, as Rochers à Fontainebleau, lent by Metropolitan Museum.
National Art Center, Tokyo, Cézanne: Paris-Provence, March 28–May 11, 2012, no. 35, ill.
Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey, Cézanne, The Rock and Quarry Paintings, March 7–June 14, 2020, no. 7, ill., as Rocks at Fontainebleau, dated 1895–1900, shown in Princeton only; catalogue notes by Annemarie Iker. Traveled to: Royal Academy, London, July 12–October 18, 2020 (N.B. This venue was cancelled due to 2020 coronavirus).
Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest, Hungary, Cezanne to Malevich, Arcadia to Abstraction, October 28, 2021–February 13, 2022, no. 17, ill.
Published References
Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr. "The Havemeyer Pictures." The Arts 16, no. 7 (March 1930), p. 483.
Wehle, Harry B. "The Exhibition of the H.O. Havemeyer Collection." Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 25, no. 3 (March 1930), p. 58, mentioned.
"Au Metropolitan Museum: La collection Havemeyer." Beaux-arts: Chronique des arts et de la curiosité, no. 4 (April 20, 1930), p. 8 (listed), as Rochers dans la forêt de Fontainebleau.
H.O. Havemeyer Collection: Catalogue of Paintings, Prints, Sculpture and Object of Art. Portland, Me.: [privately published], 1931, p. 57, as Landscape – Forest of Fontainebleau.
Loran, Erle. "Cézanne at the Pennsylvania Museum." The American Magazine of Art 28, no. 2 (February 1935), p. 89, ill.
Venturi, Lionello. Cézanne: Son Art, Son Oeuvre. Paris: Editions Paul Rosenberg, 1936, no. 673, ill. vol. II, as Rochers.
Goldwater, Robert J. "Cézanne in America: The Master's Paintings in American Collections." Art News Annual 36, no. 26 (March 26, 1938), p. 156, ill.
Barnes, Albert C., and Violette de Mazia. The Art of Cézanne. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1939, no. 171, listed.
H. O. Havemeyer Collection. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1958, p. 13, no. 64 (listed).
Reidemeister, Leopold. Auf den Spuren der Maler der Ile de France. Berlin: Propyläen Verlag, 1963, p. 35, ill.
Sterling, Charles, and Margaretta M. Salinger. French Paintings: A Catalogue of the Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, vol. III. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1967, p. 117, ill.
Murphy, Richard W. The World of Cézanne, 1839–1906. New York: Time-Life Books, 1968, pp. 90, 91 (detail).
Schapiro, Meyer. Paul Cézanne. Translated by Louis-Marie Ollivier. Paris: Nouvelles Editions Françaises, 1973, pl. 36, with comments.
Reff, Theodore. "Painting and Theory in the Final Decade." In Cézanne: The Late Work. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1977. Exhibition catalogue, p. 22, ill.
Gordon, Donald E. "The Expressionist Cézanne." Artforum 16, no. 7 (March 1978), p. 38, ill.
Baetjer, Katherine. European Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art by Artists Born before 1865: A Summary Catalogue. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980, p. 27, ill. p. 618.
Hibbard, Howard. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York: Harper & Row, 1980, fig. 796.
Moffett, Charles S. Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1985, pp. 202–03, ill.
Wold, Gretchen. "Appendix." In Splendid Legacy: The Havemeyer Collection. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1993. Exhibition catalogue, no. 79, ill.
Machotka, Pavel. Cézanne: Landscape into Art. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996, p. 95, fig. 62, with photograph of similar motif, p. 94, fig. 61, as Rochers à Fontainebleau, dated c. 1897–98.
Rewald, John. The Paintings of Paul Cézanne, A Catalogue Raisonné, 2 vols. In Collaboration with Walter Feilchenfeldt and Jayne Warman. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996, no. 775, ill. vol. 2, as Rochers à Fontainebleau.
Shiff, Richard. "Dense Cézanne." Apollo (London) 143, no. 412 (June 1996), fig. 1, as Rocks at Fontainebleau.
Bach, Friedrich Teja. "The Stake in the Pictorial Flesh: Disruptions in Cézanne's Oeuvre." In Cézanne: Finished, Unfinished. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2000. Exhibition catalogue, p. 79, fig. 28, as Rochers à Fontainebleau.
Feilchenfeldt, Walter. "Cézannes Sammler. Von Zola bis Annenberg." In "By Appointment Only": Schriften zu Kunst und Kunsthandel,
Cézanne und Van Gogh. Wädenswil: Nimbus, 2005, p. 176, ill.
Conisbee, Philip. "Le Tholonet, Bibémus, and the Château Noir." In Cézanne in Provence. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art and New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006. Exhibition catalogue, p. 199, fig. 14, as Rochers à Fontainebleau.
Janssen, Hans. "'Wanneer men het inner lijke beeldt…!' Mondriaan en de invloed van Picasso en Cézanne op zijn werk." In Cézanne, Picasso, Mondriaan: in nieuw perspectief. Zwolle: Waanders, 2009. Exhibition catalogue, fig. 34, as Rochers à Fontainebleau.
Coutagne, Denis, and Raymond Hurtu. "Paysages des années 1888–1905." In Cézanne et Paris. Paris: Éditions de la Rmn-Grand Palais, 2011. Exhibition catalogue, p. 134, ill., as Rochers à Fontainebleau.
Société Paul Cézanne. P. Cézanne: À Paris et en Île de France. ed., Denis Coutagne. Marseille: Éditions Crès, 2011, p. 110, ill., as Rochers à Fontainebleau, with contemporary view of rocks by C. Crès.
Machotka, Pavel. Cézanne: Landscape into Art. Prague: Arbor Vitae, 2014, p. 161, fig. 58b, with black and white photo of similar motif, fig. 58a, as Rochers à Fontainebleau.
Eiling, Alexander, Anett Göthe, Astrid Reuter, Bettina Kaufmann, Eva-Maria Höllerer, Juliane Betz and Julia Lachenmann. "Catalog." In Cézanne Metamorphoses. Munich and Karlsruhe: Prestel and Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, 2017. Exhibition catalogue, p. 287 fig. 1.
Dumas, Ann. "Cézanne and his love affair with the rocks of Provence." RA Magazine (Summer 2020), ill.
Athanassoglou-Kallmyer, Nina M. "Cézanne nostalgique: Nostalgia, Memory, Illusion." Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 22, no. 2 (Autumn 2023), fig. 16.
Record last updated July 24, 2020. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "Rochers à Fontainebleau, c.1893 (FWN 322)." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on February 8, 2025).