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Catalogue entry

FWN 186
L'Aqueduc du canal de Verdon au nord d'Aix
Alternate titles: L'acquedotto del canale di Verdon a nord di Aix; L'aqueduc; La Vallée de l'Arc; Paysage
Rewald (520): 1882–83; Venturi revised: c.1878; Venturi (296): 1878–83; Rivière: c.1891
Oil on canvas
22 3/8 x 28 5/16 in. (57 x 72 cm)
Vollard A stockbook: no. 3769, un premier plan jaune, un second vert, au loin une sorte d'aqueduc, 73 x 60 cm (175 frs)
Vollard B stockbook: no. 3565, Paysage; aqueduc de Roc Faveur, 60 x 73 cm (200 frs)
Vollard C stockbook: no. 7019, Vallée de l'Arc. Viaduc du chemin de fer, 60 x 73 cm
Vollard archives: photo no. 127, Annotated by Cezanne's son: Viaduc d'Aix, circa 1885


Record last updated February 15, 2023. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "L'Aqueduc du canal de Verdon au nord d'Aix, 1882–83 (FWN 186)." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on January 18, 2025).