The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne
An Online Catalogue Raisonné under the Direction of Société Paul Cezanne
(Formerly directed by Walter Feilchenfeldt, Jayne Warman and David Nash)
FWN 177
L'Arbre au tournant
Alternate titles: Auvers: la vallée; Auvers: The Valley; Blick von Auvers-sur-Oise; La Route à Auvers-sur-Oise; Landschaft; Landschaft bei Auvers; Paysage
Rewald (504): 1881–82; Venturi revised: c.1879; Venturi (303): 1878–83
Oil on canvas
23 5/8 x 28 11/16 in. (60 x 73 cm)
Vollard A stockbook: no. 3459, huile. tableau coupé de plusieurs plans; paysage au 3me plan à gauche une sorte de bassin au milieu duquel un arbre -- ciel brouillé clair, 60 x 73 cm (150 frs)
Vollard archives: photo no. 298, Annotated by Cezanne's son: Melun 1880
Exhibition History
Salon d'Automne, Grand Palais, Paris, Rétrospective d'oeuvres de Cézanne, October 1–22, 1907, no. 12, as Paysage, lent by Pellerin.
Manzi, Joyant & Cie, l'Hôtel de la revue "Les Arts," Paris, Exposition d'art moderne, June 6–July 6, 1912, no. 14, as La Route à Auvers-sur-Oise, tentative identification.
Paul Cassirer, Berlin, Degas / Cézanne [XVI. Jahrgang, 1913-14, Zweite Ausstellung], November 1–December 7, 1913, no. 35, as Landschaft.
Paul Cassirer, Berlin, XVIII. Jahrgang, 1915–16, Zweite Ausstellung, December 1915, no. 56, ill., as Landschaft, lent by Vollard.
Galerie Thannhauser, Vereinshaus der Berliner Künstler, Berlin, Erste Sonderausstellung in Berlin, January 9–mid-February, 1927, no. 13, ill., as Landschaft bei Auvers, lent by Thannhauser.
Kunsthalle, Basel, Switzerland, Paul Cézanne, August 30–October 12, 1936, no. 25, as Landschaft, c. 1880, lent by B. Mayer, Zurich.
Kunsthaus, Zurich, Paul Cézanne, August 22–October 7, 1956, no. 34, lent by Private collection, Switzerland.
Louisiana Museum of Art, Humlebæk, Denmark, Cézanne & Giacometti: Paths of Doubt, February 20–June 29, 2008, no. 17, ill. p. 62, as L'Arbre au tournant, lent by Israel Museum.
Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny, Switzerland, Paul Cézanne: le chant de la terre, June 16–November 19, 2017, no. 33, ill. lent by The Israel Museum.
Published References
Borgmeyer, Charles Louis. The Master Impressionists. Chicago: The Fine Arts Press, 1913, p. 201, ill., as Auvers: la vallée, Collection Vollard.
Stuart, Evelyn Marie. "Cézanne and His Place in Impressionism." Fine Arts Journal 35, no. 5 (May 1917), p. 329, ill., as Auvers: The Valley, "Collection Vollard".
Pfister, Kurt. Cézanne: Gestalt, Werk, Mythos. Potsdam: Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1927, fig. 51, as Blick von Auvers-sur-Oise (Photo: Thannhauser).
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Cézanne. translated by J. Holroyd-Reece. London: Ernest Benn, 1927, pl. LXXV.
Venturi, Lionello. Cézanne: Son Art, Son Oeuvre. Paris: Editions Paul Rosenberg, 1936, no. 303, ill. vol. II, as Paysage.
Rewald, John. "A propos du catalogue raisonné de l'œuvre de Paul Cézanne et de la chronologie de cette œuvre." La Renaissance (Paris), vol. 20, nos. 3-4 (March–April 1937), p. 56.
Rewald, John. The Paintings of Paul Cézanne, A Catalogue Raisonné, 2 vols. In Collaboration with Walter Feilchenfeldt and Jayne Warman. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996, no. 504, ill. vol. 2, as L'Arbre au tournant.
Rachum, Stephanie. Impressionist and Post-Impressionist. Painting and Sculpture in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem. New York: Abrams, 2005, no. 51, ill. p. 134.
Echte, Bernhard and Feilchenfeldt, Walter. "Kollektionen Edgar Degas, Paul Cézanne, Werke von […]: 1. November bis 7. Dezember 1913." In Kunstsalon Cassirer: Die Ausstellungen 1912-1914 vol. 6, "Eine neue Klassik". Wädenswil: Nimbus, 2016, p. 487, ill.
Record last updated October 20, 2023. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "L'Arbre au tournant, 1881–82 (FWN 177)." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on February 7, 2025).