The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne
An Online Catalogue Raisonné under the Direction of Société Paul Cezanne
(Formerly directed by Walter Feilchenfeldt, Jayne Warman and David Nash)
FWN 634
Les Pêcheurs – Journée de juillet
Alternate titles: A Sunday in Summer (Dimanche d'été); Der Julitag; Die Fischer (Fantastische Szene); Dimanche d'été; Julitag; L'Après-midi du dimanche; L'Été; La Journée de juin; La Promenade; Les Pêcheurs; Les Pêcheurs (Scène fantastique); Scène fantastique; Scène fantastique (La journée de juillet); Scène fantastique: journée de juillet; Sommer-Sonntag; Sommertag; Sonntagnachmittag; The Fishermen
Rewald (237): c.1875; Venturi revised: 1876–77; Venturi (243): 1873–75; Rivière: 1871; Vollard: 1871
Oil on canvas
21 3/8 x 32 1/16 in. (54.5 x 81.5 cm)
Signed lower right in red: Cezanne
Exhibition History
6, rue Le Peletier, Paris, Troisième exposition de peinture, opening April 4, 1877, hors catalogue, lent by Chocquet.
Paul Cassirer, Berlin, Sonderausstellung Paul Cézanne, April 22–June 15, 1904, no number, as Sonntagnachmittag.
Berlin, Fünfzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession, Spring 1908, no. 38, as Sommer-Sonntag, for sale.
Paul Cassirer, Berlin, XII. Jahrgang, III. Ausstellung, November 17–December 12, 1909, no. 27, as Sommer-Sonntag, lent by Private collection [Max Liebermann].
Paul Cassirer, Berlin, Cézanne-Ausstellung: Cézannes Werke in deutschem Privatbesitz: Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, November–December 11, 1921, no. 3, as Der Julitag, lent by Max Liebermann.
Kunsthalle, Basel, Switzerland, Paul Cézanne, August 30–October 12, 1936, no. 12, as Scène fantastique (La journée de juillet), 1873-75, lent by Private collection.
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Honderd jaar Fransche kunst, July 2–September 25, 1938, no. 9, as Scène fantastique: journée de juillet, lent by Private collection.
Wildenstein Galleries, New York, Cézanne, March 27–April 26, 1947, no. 7, ill. lent by Riezler.
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Cézanne: Paintings, Watercolors & Drawings, A Loan Exhibition, February 7–March 16, 1952, no. 33, ill. lent by Riezler. Traveled to: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, April 1–May 16, 1952.
Wildenstein Galleries, New York, Loan Exhibition: Cézanne, November 5–December 5, 1959, no. 10, ill. lent by Howard White.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Paintings from Private Collections: Summer Loan Exhibition, 1963, no. 4.
National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, Cézanne, March 30–May 19, 1974, no. 9. Traveled to: Municipal Museum, Kyoto, Japan, June 1–July 17, 1974; Cultural Center, Fukuoka, Japan, July 24–August 18, 1974.
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., The New Painting, Impressionism: 1874–1886, January 17–April 6, 1986, no. 42, ill., as Scène fantastique, c. 1873, Private collection. Traveled to: de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, April 19–July 6, 1986.
Kunsthalle, Tübingen, Germany, Cézanne Gemälde, January 16–May 2, 1993, no. 16, ill.
Nationalgalerie - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin, Manet bis Van Gogh: Hugo von Tschudi und der Kampf um die Moderne, September 20, 1996–January 6, 1997, no. 57, ill. dated 1873–75. Traveled to: Neue Pinakothek, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich, January 24–May 11, 1997.
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, The Masterpieces of French Painting from The Metropolitan Museum of Art: 1800–1920, February 4–May 6, 2007, no. 73, ill.
Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Französische Meisterwerke des 19. Jahrhunderts aus dem Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, June 1–October 7, 2007, listed pp. 202-203, ill., as Die Fischer (Fantastische Szene).
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary, Cézanne and the Past: Tradition and Creativity, October 25, 2012–February 17, 2013, no. 51, ill.
Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny, Switzerland, Paul Cézanne: le chant de la terre, June 16–November 19, 2017, no. 94, ill. lent by Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe, Germany, Cézanne - Metamorphosen, October 28, 2017–February 11, 2018, no. 12, ill.
Published References
Rivière, Georges. "L'exposition des impressionnistes." L'Impressionniste: journal d'art, nos. 1 and 2 (April 6 and April 14, 1877), p. 2 (no.2), une scène au bord de la mer.
Rosenhagen, Hans. "Von Ausstellungen und Sammlungen." Die Kunst für Alle 19, no. 17 (June 1, 1904), p. 403.
Bernard, Émile. "Erinnerungen an Paul Cézanne." Kunst und Künstler 6, nos. 10-12 (1908), p. 524, ill.
Bernheim-Jeune, ed. Cézanne. With contributions by O. Mirbeau, T. Duret, L. Werth, et al. Paris: Editions Hollande, 1914, pl. X.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Cézanne und sein Kreis: ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte: mit 127 Tonätzungen und fünfzehn Heliogravüren. Munich: R. Piper, 1918, ill. opposite p. 96.
Salmon, André. "La Captivité de Cézanne." Der Querschnitt 11, no. 7 (Christmas 1921), p. g, ill., as Julitag.
Friedländer, Max J. "Über Paul Cézanne." Die Kunst für Alle 38 (February 1922), ill. p. 136, as Sonntagnachmittag, 1871.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Cézanne und sein Kreis: ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte: mit 171 Tonätzungen und einem Lichtdruck. Munich: R. Piper, 1922, ill. p. 115, as Sommertag, 1871.
Rivière, Georges. Le Maître Paul Cézanne. Paris: Librairie Floury, 1923, p. 199, listed.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. "Cézanne." In Entwicklungsgeschichte der modernen Kunst vol. 3. Munich: R. Piper & Co., [1924] (copyright 1915), pl. 489, as Sommertag, 1871.
Pfister, Kurt. Cézanne: Gestalt, Werk, Mythos. Potsdam: Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1927, fig. 24, as Sommertag, 1871.
Waldmann, Emil. Die Kunst des Realismus und des Impressionismus. Berlin: Propyläen-Verlag, 1927, p. 495, ill.
Meier-Graefe, Julius. Cézanne. translated by J. Holroyd-Reece. London: Ernest Benn, 1927, pl. XII.
Grossman, Rudolf. "Liebermann comme collectionneur." Formes: revue internationale des arts plastiques, no. 4 (April, 1930), p. 18, ill. between pp. 18 and 19, as La Journée de juin.
Venturi, Lionello. "Paul Cézanne." L'Arte 6, nos. 4 and 5 (July 1935), p. 317, fig. 11.
Venturi, Lionello. Cézanne: Son Art, Son Oeuvre. Paris: Editions Paul Rosenberg, 1936, no. 243, ill. vol. II, as Scène fantastique.
Reff, Theodore. "Cézanne: The Enigma of the Nude." Art News 58, no. 8 (November 1959), pp. 26–29, fig. 11.
Chappuis, Adrien. Les dessins de Paul Cézanne au cabinet des estampes du Musée des beaux-arts de Bâle. Olten and Lausanne: Urs Graf, 1962, vol. 1, p. 61, fig. 27.
Rewald, John. "Chocquet et Cézanne." Gazette des beaux-arts, vol. 74, periode 6 (July–August 1969), pp. 47,49, fig. 9; p. 83, no. 22.
Janda, Karl-Heinz, and Annegret Janda. "Max Liebermann als Kunstsammler." In Forschungen und Berichte 15. Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, p. 123, no. 4, pl. 14.
Rewald, John. "Some Entries for a New Catalogue Raisonné of Cézanne's Paintings." Gazette des beaux-arts, vol. 86, periode 6 (November 1975), pp. 158–59, ill., as Les Pêcheurs – Journée de juillet.
P. Krieger. "Max Liebermanns Impressionisten-Sammlung und ihre Bedeutung für sein Werk." Max Liebermann in seiner Zeit. Berlin: Nationalgalerie Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1979. Exhibition catalogue, pp. 68-69, fig. 17, as Sommertag, 1873/75, Private collection, New York.
Clark, T.J. The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and His Followers. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985, p. 19, fig. 7.
Rewald, John. "Chocquet and Cézanne." In Studies in Impressionism, Edited by Irene Gordon and Frances Weitzenhoffer. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1986, p. 136, fig. 73, as The Fishermen.
Geelhaar, Christian. "The Painters Who Had the Right Eyes: On the reception of Cézanne's Bathers." In Paul Cézanne: The Bathers. Basel: Kunstmuseum Basel, 1989. Exhibition catalogue, p. 294, fig. 230, as Les Pêcheurs (Scène fantastique).
Lewis, Mary Tompkins. Cézanne's Early Imagery. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989, pp. 204–05, pl. XVII.
Paul, Barbara. Hugo von Tschudi und die moderne französische Kunst im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 1993, no. 142, ill.
Rewald, John. The Paintings of Paul Cézanne, A Catalogue Raisonné, 2 vols. In Collaboration with Walter Feilchenfeldt and Jayne Warman. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996, no. 237, ill. vol. 2, as Les Pêcheurs – Journée de juillet.
Feilchenfeldt, Walter. "Zur Rezeptionsgeschichte Cézannes in Deutschland." In "By Appointment Only": Schriften zu Kunst und Kunsthandel,
Cézanne und Van Gogh. Wädenswil: Nimbus, 2005, p. 126, ill.
Feilchenfeldt, Walter. "Cézannes Motive: Versuch einer neuen Ordnung." In "By Appointment Only": Schriften zu Kunst und Kunsthandel, Cézanne und Van Gogh. Wädenswil: Nimbus, 2005, p. 204, ill.
Machotka, Pavel. Cézanne: The Eye and the Mind, 2 vols. Marseille: Editions Crès, 2008, vol. 1, fig. 75; vol. 2, p. 72, as Les Pêcheurs – Journée de juillet.
Shone, Richard. "Acquisitions (2000–10) of nineteenth-and early twentieth-century French art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York." The Burlington Magazine 152, no. 1293 (December 2010), p. 843, fig. XII.
Echte, Bernhard and Feilchenfeldt, Walter. "Paul Cézanne, 22. April bis 15. Juni 1904." Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer: Die Ausstellungen 1901-1905. vol. 2, "Man steht da und staunt". Wädenswil: Nimbus, 2011, p. 498, ill.
Colrat, Jean. Cézanne: Joindre les mains errantes de la nature. Paris-Sorbonne: PUPS, 2013, p. 152, pl. 51.
Dombrowski, André. Cézanne, Murder, and Modern Life. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013, p. 241, fig. 99.
Hedinger, Bärbel et al. Max Liebermann. Die Kunstsammlung von Rembrandt bis Manet. München: Hirmer, 2013, SL 12, p. 241, ill.
Echte, Bernhard and Feilchenfeldt, Walter. "Kollektion Paul Cézanne: 17. November bis 12. Dezember 1909." Kunstsalon Cassirer: Die Ausstellungen 1908-1910. vol. 4, "Ganz eigenartige neue Werte". Wädenswil: Nimbus, 2013, p. 302, ill.
Distel, Anne. "Victor Chocquet – 'le plus grand collectionneur français depuis les rois.'" In Victor Chocquet – Freund und Sammler der Impressionisten, Renoir, Cézanne, Monet, Manet. Bern and Munich: Bundesampt für Kultur and Hirmer Verlag, 2015. Exhibition catalogue, p. 60, pl. 36.
Dijke, Frouke van. "Max Liebermann: een kunstenaar van zijn tijd." In Max Liebermann. Zwolle: WBOOKS, 2018. Exhibition catalogue, p. 24, ill. p. 25, as Les Pêcheurs, with a photograph of Max Liebermann in his living room with the painting hanging to his right, c. 1934.
Record last updated February 17, 2021. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "Les Pêcheurs – Journée de juillet, c.1875 (FWN 634)." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on February 8, 2025).