The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne
An Online Catalogue Raisonné under the Direction of Société Paul Cezanne
(Formerly directed by Walter Feilchenfeldt, Jayne Warman and David Nash)
FWN 1958
Alternate titles: Fleur dans un pot; Flower in a Pot; Hortensia; Pot de géranium
Rewald (W549); Venturi revised: 1895–1900; Venturi (1069): 1895–1900
Graphite and watercolor on paper
19 1/2 x 12 3/4 in. (49.5 x 32.4 cm)
Vollard W stockbook: no. 1981, Tige de fleur; aquarelle, 50 x 32 (1,500)
Private collection, New York
Exhibition History
Wildenstein Galleries, London, Homage to Paul Cézanne, July 1939, no. 61, as Flower in a Pot, c. 1895, lent by Wildenstein.
Art Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, French Impressionists, March 24–April 19, 1953, no. 49.
Wildenstein Galleries, New York, Magic of Flowers in Painting, April 13–May 15, 1954, no. 9.
Wildenstein Galleries, New York, Loan Exhibition: Cézanne, November 5–December 5, 1959, no. 79, ill. lent by Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Kramarsky.
Isetan Museum of Art, Tokyo, Cézanne, September 18–October 7, 1986, no. 55, ill. lent by Private collection, USA. Traveled to: Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe, Japan, October 10–November 9, 1986; Aichi Prefectural Art Gallery, Nagoya, Japan, November 15–December 4, 1986.
Acquavella Galleries, New York, Cézanne Watercolors, October 18–November 24, 1999, no. 25, ill.
The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Cézanne in the Studio: Still Life in Watercolor, October 12, 2004–January 2, 2005, pl. 10, as Hortensia.
Published References
Venturi, Lionello. Cézanne: Son Art, Son Oeuvre. Paris: Editions Paul Rosenberg, 1936, no. 1069, ill. vol. II, as Fleur dans un pot.
Commandement en chef français en Allemagne. Répertoire des biens spoliés en France durant la guerre 1939-1945, tome II, tableaux - tapisseries - sculpture (List of Property removed from France during the war 1939-1945, Volume 2, paintings, tapestries and sculpture). G. Glasser, directeur des réparations et restitutions. Berlin, 1947, p. 227, no. 5057, 32.129, ill. p. 245 o, as Pot de géranium, 30 x 40cm, Georges Wildenstein.
Neumeyer, Alfred. Cézanne's Drawings. New York and London: Thomas Yoseloff, 1958, no. 62.
Rewald, John. Paul Cézanne: The Watercolors, A Catalogue Raisonné. Boston: Little, Brown; London: Thames & Hudson, 1983, no. 549, ill., as Hortensia.
Record last updated February 4, 2022. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "Géranium, 1895–1900 (FWN 1958)." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on February 8, 2025).