no image available
unknown, n.d. (3001-01a (right)-TA)
unknown, n.d. (3001-01a (left))
Homme à cheval vu de dos, n.d. (3001-01a (right)-TA)
no image available
no image available
unknown, n.d. (3001-01b (left))
D'après Vélasquez: portrait de femme, n.d. (3001-01b (right)-TA)
Peintre tenant sa palette, 1868–71 (3001-03a)
Peintre tenant sa palette, 1868–71 (3001-03a)
Personnages au bord de l'eau, 1868–71 (3001-03b)
Personnages au bord de l'eau, 1868–71 (3001-03b)
Le Peintre, 1868–71 (3001-04a)
Le Peintre, 1868–71 (3001-04a)
Etude de draperie et tête de cheval, c.1873 (3001-04b)
Allégorie de la République, c.1871–74 (3001-05a)
Allégorie de la République, c.1871–74 (3001-05a)
La Tentation de saint Antoine et esquisse, 1869–73 (3001-05b)
D'après P. Potter: cheval à l'auge, 1870–73 (3001-06a)
Paysage avec pêcheur et couple d'amoureux, 1868–70 (3001-06b)
Partie de bateau, 1871–74 (3001-07a)
Partie de bateau, 1871–74 (3001-07a)
Orientaux fumant la pipe, 1873–76 (3001-07b)
Orientaux fumant la pipe, 1873–76 (3001-07b)
Hommes et femme sous un arbre, 1871–74 (3001-08a)
Hommes et femme sous un arbre, 1871–74 (3001-08a)
Portrait du Dr. Gachet et scène érotique, 1872–74 (3001-08b)
Homme barbu aux bras croisés (Frenhofer?), 1869–74 (3001-09a)
Le Viol, esquisse, 1868–70 (3001-09b)
Le Viol, esquisse, 1868–70 (3001-09b)
Etude pour L'Après-midi à Naples, 1872–76 (3001-10a)
Etude de draperie, c.1873 (3001-10b)
Etude de draperie, c.1873 (3001-10b)
D'après Michel-Ange: Garçon accroupi, 1872–75 (3001-11a-TA)
no image available
unknown, n.d. (3001-11b)
La Partie de pêche, 1872–75 (3001-12a)
La Partie de pêche, 1872–75 (3001-12a)
inaccessible, n.d. (3001-12b)
inaccessible, n.d. (3001-12b)
close Sketchbook 10.3 x 17, 1863–1865, 1869–1873 (3001)


Browse the catalogue

The catalogue is divided into three sections: Paintings, Watercolors & Drawings and Sketchbooks.The first two sections are subdivided by groups or themes; the sketchbooks are treated separately, each with its own master number and individual sheets linked to it.

The Paintings section begins with FWN 1, Watercolors & Drawings begin with FWN 1000 and the Sketchbooks with FWN 3000. 

The entire catalogue can be sorted by FWN number, date, or size. Sorting the entire catalogue by date will integrate the works chronologically, however, the numbers will not be consecutive. Filters provide an option to assemble a group of works and to exclude irrelevant ones.

The Search box here allows the user to find a work by FWN, Rewald, Chappuis, or Venturi number, Title or partial title or keyword.

The letters "TA" after the catalogue number indicate that the work has been traditionally attributed to the artist, but has not been physically examined by the authors and therefore its authenticity cannot be confirmed. Several works that are new and unseen or that require further study are also included in this category.

Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Société Paul Cezanne. "Catalogue." In The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne: An Online Catalogue Raisonné. (accessed on February 16, 2025).